This place is born to be a help for helpers. People on their way to awakening who start to grasp that we have something - a lot indeed - in common, that we are responsible for our world, that life doesnt just randomly happens, but is shaped and formed by actions, thoughs and intentions. For those, who dont find ignorance a bliss anymore. For those who are searching for their own light and for those who have already found it and wish to share it. For those searching for answers that rise more new questions, exploring the hight and depth of our existence. From now on, this place is open for everyone who finds here.
First of all we need to understand that reality is both shared and subjective/individual at the same time.
The thing that makes a shared reality personal, is the filter we use through which we perceive the world. This filter determines how we see things, what we pick up from the world,what we ignore from it, and according to those things how our life story evolves.
The filter is influencing everything.Imagine it like a pair of glasses. If the glass is clear and clean, you see the world colorful, what you see, you see clearly and sharp. You still need to turn your head toward things so your eyes can see them. The filter also influences how and towards what direction you turn your attention. The glass can also be (and often is) dirty, blurred or tinted.For example if the glass is red, you see the colors differently. You stop seeing red things altogether, they get filtered out. Green becomes brownish, blue becomes purplish yellow becomes orange. The same way an emotion filters and makes you see reality differently. When you are in love your reality seems different from when you are depressed. This filtered reality isn´t shared, it is personal, depending on your momentaneal emotional state, your spiritual and psychical development, your physical and/or mental state.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
Re-definition of physics:
New physics observes the changes of existing absolute energy in its relative aspects.
Absolute existing energy is defined by the sum of all it´s possible relative interpretations. Absolute existing energy repeats its patterns in each of its relative interpretations, thus it is consistent in all of them.
The existence of a relative interpretation of energy is proof for the existence of one absolute energy of which it is part of.
The mathematical expression of absolute existing energy is the transcendent number Pi.
In a closed system of limited resources to draw from, a growth oriented economy is only possible by the redistribution of those resources, that is to say taking away on one side to build wealth on the other. That way growth on one side is necessarily decrease and stagnation on the other. That makes the economy of growth uneven and unsustainable in the long run. Growth only makes sense until a full potential of productive functioning is reached, from that point growth becomes a senseless inflation and eventually the system collapses altogether.
Chasing growth into inflation destabilizes the entire system. For example an apple tree grows from a seed, till it becomes a grown tree, and when it reaches its full potential it produces fruit that can be harvested, consumed and seeded to produce more trees. It wouldn´t make sense to force it to grow further and to get bigger, as that would not necessarily result in the production of more or bigger apples, but it would destabilize the ecosystem around it, exploit nutrients from the soil and leave other plants around it resourceless. The exploited soil would cease to be fertile to the seeds of the tree and they wouldnt be able to reproduce. Eventually the huge tree would die due to the lack of resources in the exhausted soil and its reproduction would stagnate due to the loss of equilibrium of the ecosystem. The intent of controlling growth is futile and senseless because it doesnt take balance into account, neither it is ready to face the consequences of the stagnation that growth is causing on its reverse side. Ignorance can only be a temporal aid at that, because the eventual collapse is inevitable. In a system of growth everything organizes around the object of growth and submits ist energy to it. This results in the exhaustion of those who are serving it. Also those who submit to this process, neglect their own evolution, so the ecosystem becomes poorer, less diverse, filled with elements that have lost their purpose in the whole. They become aimless and drained, because they are all individually halted in their own evolution.